Mining News

Velocity Announces Additional Positive Drill Results at Rozino Gold Project, Southeast Bulgaria

Velocity Minerals Ltd. announced that it has received laboratory results for seven additional diamond drill holes at the Company’s advanced Rozino gold project.  Highlights include drill hole RDD-22 which intersected 27.0m grading 1.72g/t gold.  Positive results continue to expand the extent of near-surface mineralization at Rozino.

The Company has completed 38 drill holes to date in 2017 (results are pending for 15 drill holes) and plans to complete at least five additional drill holes in December 2017. Drilling during the remainder of 2017 is focused on drill testing surface soil geochemistry anomalies to the southeast. The Company plans to continue drilling in 2018 anticipating a total of 14,000m to 18,000m for the Project.

Supported by

Quality Assurance / Quality Control

The work program at Rozino was designed and is supervised by Stuart A. Mills, CGeol, the Company’s Vice-President Exploration, who is responsible for all aspects of the work, including the quality control/quality assurance program. On-site personnel at the project rigorously collect and track samples which are then security sealed and shipped to ALS Global laboratory in Romania. Samples used for the results described herein are prepared and analyzed by fire assay using a 30-gram charge in compliance with industry standards. Field duplicate samples, blanks and independent controlled reference material (standards) are added to every batch. Drill intersections in this news release are calculated using a 0.2 g/t gold trigger, a minimum 0.5 g/t gold composite, and a maximum of 3 meters consecutive waste.

Source: nasdaq

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