Greenpeace International has released a new report titled Gambling with the Deep Sea – Those Betting on Mining the Arctic, highlighting the Norwegian government and...
In what is now Norway, ancient fisher-farmers once caught massive bluefin tuna along the world’s second-longest coastline. Over the centuries, Norwegians honed their fishing techniques,...
Norge Mining has reached a significant milestone with its Eigersund Project in southwest Norway, where the company aims to secure critical and strategic minerals essential...
GreenRoc Strategic Materials PLC, a prominent mining company based in Greenland, has recently signed a Letter of Interest to establish a new graphite anode material...
Recently, a groundbreaking discovery of 8.8 million tonnes of rare earths was made in south-east Norway. This find could significantly impact Europe’s mineral security and...
Teako Minerals has finalized a definitive agreement to acquire a 90% interest in the Løkken copper-zinc-cobalt (Cu-Zn-Co) project in Trøndelag, Norway, from Capella Minerals. As...
Greenpeace has reported finding significant marine biodiversity in an area of the Arctic slated for deep-sea mining, intensifying concerns over the potential impact on ocean...
EMX Royalty Corporation is excited to announce a new exploration and option agreement with Alpha Future Funds S.C.S, a private investment fund based in Luxembourg....
Metals One, a Europe-focused mining company, announced on that its partner and operator, Kingsrose Mining, will start core drilling at the Rånbogen prospect in August....
As the Norwegian government advances plans to open Arctic waters to deep-sea mining, Greenpeace Nordic and Greenpeace Germany have set sail to the region with...