Mundoro Capital Inc. announce that the previously announced drill program on July 5, 2018 at the Borsko Jezero license has been extended by 2,200 meters to a total of 7,200 meters over 7 drill holes.
Borsko is one of the four licenses being sole funded by Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation as part of the JOGMEC-Mundoro option agreement announced in August 2016. Borsko is located directly west of the Serbian state-operated producing mines, RTB Group’s Bor copper porphyry mine and the Veliki Krivelj copper-gold porphyry mine, all located in the central portion of the Timok Magmatic Complex . Timok is one of the most prolific metallogenic domains in the Tethyan Belt with deposits such as the Cukaru-Peki deposit and the Serbian state-operated producing mines, the Bor copper porphyry underground mine and the Veliki Krivelj copper-gold porphyry open-pit mine .
Source: globenewswire