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Mining News

Velocity Solidifies East Zone Discovery at Rozino Gold Project, Southeast Bulgaria

Velocity Minerals Ltd.announced that it has received the first assay results of the 2018 drill program.  Positive results from drill hole RDD-044 include 30.8m grading 1.55g/t gold from surface and 66.5m grading 1.32g/t gold.

Drill hole RDD-044 stepped 50m southeast from previous drill hole RDD-040, which intersected 144.7m grading 1.52 g/t gold. Results are pending from an additional 5 drill holes that have been completed at East Zone and the Company continues to drill.

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“Last years’ drill hole RDD-040 discovered East Zone and was the thickest intersection of gold mineralization at Rozino to date. All drilling since then has been focused in and around East Zone and all drill holes have returned significant intersections of gold mineralization,” stated Keith Henderson, Velocity’s President and CEO. “Drill hole RDD-044 is the first from the 2018 drill program and has started off the year’s work with approximately 95 meters of near-continuous mineralization from surface.”

The current exploration model has not had sufficient drill testing to be able to determine true thickness of mineralization.

Source: globenewswire

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