Mining News

Solvay Investment Group, its Macedonia based Bucim Copper Mine 2016 results

Steady improvement of this facility’s operational efficiency was the key driver for ensuring the sustainability of production and for improving financial results at Solway-owned DOO Bucim Radovish, which is Macedonia’s largest copper mine.

In 2016, Bucim produced 43,317 tons of dry copper concentrate, containing 9,032 tons of copper, 21,336 oz. of gold, and 43,109 oz. of silver, and produced 1,396 tons of cathode copper of the 99,99% quality.

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In 2016, Bucim invested USD 1.9 million into modernizing its production process, equipment purchasing, infrastructure development, and occupational health, safety, and environment protection measures. This included dust recovery at the primary and secondary crushers, reconstruction of the pump station at cathode production, construction of a diversion channel at the tailing facility, and a flow-line from the combine to the leaching plant. Facility maintenance and repair expenses totaled USD 5.9 million in 2016.


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