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Mining News

Macedonian Gov calls mining companies on better cooperation with communities

Macedonian Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Koco Angjusev on Tuesday called for the necessity of better cooperation between the government, local population and mining companies.

The words of Angjusev came when he made address to the investors at the third MINEX Europe mining and exploration forum here.

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The Macedonian official emphasized that the concessionaires and central authority should explain to the population the environmental-friendly technologies and techniques used in this sector.

” I am convinced that together we will surpass the negative feeling that occurs among the local population when mentioning the word mining. We should especially explain to them that there is no damage to the agricultural products,” underlined Angjusev.

Meanwhile, President of the Mining Association Nikolajco Nikolov declared that the mining industry in Macedonia is in a difficult situation due to lack of sufficient harmony between the government, local population and mining companies.

Source: xinhuanet

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