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Gazprom Expects Poland to Issue Nord Stream-2 Approval

Gazprom expects Polish authorities will issue a permit for the Nord Stream-2 pipeline project on August 31, Board Chairman of the Russian gas holding Viktor Zubkov said on Monday on the air with Rossiya 24 TV Channel.

“According to terms stipulated under Poland laws, we are to receive a permit from the Polish antimonopoly department if there are no additional inquiries,” Zubkov said.

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Poland was expected to issue the permit on June 18, Zubkov said. “However, instead of the permit we regrettably received six additional inquiries we have to answer, although some of them are not related to Nord Stream-2 at all. We are responding to these inquiries and hence receipt of documents is postponed until August 31,” he added.

The Nord Stream-2 projects includes construction of two lines of the offshore gas pipeline with a total capacity of 55 bln cubic meters of gas a year from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea, in addition to the existing two lines. The project is to be implemented by the new engineering company New European Pipeline AG.

source: iene.com

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