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Euro Manganese’s Chvaletice Manganese Project Selected as a Project for Support under Inter-Governmental Minerals Security Partnership

Euro Manganese Inc. confirmed its Chvaletice Manganese Project in the Czech Republic has been announced as a project to be supported under the inter-governmental Minerals Security Partnership (“MSP”). The MSP is a collection of 13 countries and the European Union (the “Partners”), representing over 50 percent of global GDP, that aims to catalyze public and private sector investment to build diverse, secure and responsible critical mineral supply chains globally.

The MSP announced the Partners are working to advance 17 projects that have a high potential to contribute to the development of responsible critical mineral supply chains and that demonstrate high environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) standards.

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Chvaletice is the only manganese project within the 17 projects, and Euro Manganese is one of only three companies specifically named by the MSP, referencing Chvaletice and recognising the potential of the Company’s Bécancour project in Quebec.

The projects are to receive support by leveraging the collective financial and diplomatic resources of the MSP’s 14 Partners and private sector financiers partnering with the MSP, to drive responsible investment in critical minerals projects.

Chvaletice’s inclusion in the MSP demonstrates the Project’s adherence to leading ESG standards, exemplifying the MSP’s Principles for Responsible Critical Minerals Supply Chains.

Sponsorship by the EU and Canada, and selection as a strategic project indicates high-level inter-governmental support from the MSP Partners for the Chvaletice Project. The Project’s nomination was supported by the Czech Republic.

The EU and Canada are closely engaged on Chvaletice through the MSP and through their bilateral strategic partnership on raw materials, bringing an increased level of awareness of both Chvaletice and Bécancour projects amongst MSP Partners and private sector financial entities.

Dr. Matthew James, President & CEO of Euro Manganese, commented:

“To be selected as a critical project by the Minerals Security Partnership further reinforces the importance of the Chvaletice Manganese Project. The MSP support, together with the ability to leverage the collective financial and diplomatic resources of the MSP Partners as well as private sector financiers partnering with the MSP, is a great opportunity for the Company. Chvaletice, as the only manganese resource in Europe, and Bécancour, as the sole high-purity manganese processing project in Quebec, will be key links in the development of sustainable and transparent western battery supply chains. Equally, being selected as one of the initial projects by the MSP recognizes the superior environmental social and governance credentials of Chvaletice. I look forward to continuing to work with the MSP Partners and private sector financial entities, to catalyze support and funding to advance these critical battery-raw materials projects.”


Source: yahoo finance

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