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Mining News

Erin planning additional works on both its Serbia based Piskanja and Jarandol license area

Erin Ventures announced that preparations are underway for the commencement of the 2017 work program on its 100% owned Piskanja boron project in Serbia. The completion of this work program will continue to advance the fundamentals of the Piskanja project, as well as ensure that Erin is compliant with its obligations in order to keep its exploration license in good standing.

The planned work for this program includes: diamond drilling of 2 holes, required to complete an infill 50 by 50 meter grid; the twining of 1 of Erin’s previous reverse circulation holes located on a 100 by 100 meter drill grid for a metallurgical testing bulk sample; 4 exploratory drill holes to evaluate the potential propagation of mineral bodies in the direction of some positive historical Rio Tinto drill holes to the western and southern extremities of the property; 1 drill hole on the 100 by 100 meter grid designed to be multi-purposed as a hydrogeological monitoring station as well as an exploration hole; 1 decline hole for structural engineering purposes; geochemical testing of the drill cores; continuation of ongoing hydrogeological monitoring; and, geophysical, geotechnical, mineralogical-petrological and metallurgical studies.

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Subject to the availability of additional funds and adequate time in this exploration season, Erin is planning additional works on both Piskanja and its wholly owned, adjacent Jarandol license area.

This work program is designed to ensure that the project continues to comply with both the Canadian Institute of Mining “Best Practice Guidelines” and Serbian mine licensing and mine development regulations.

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