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Endomines exploration project gold drilling updates

Endomines reported on further high grade results from the ongoing exploration campaign at Pampalo Deeps. Drilling results included very encouraging intersections from, amongst others, the drill hole T-1010 which intersected 5 meters at 6.1 g/t gold, T-1025 which intersected 10 meters at 6.4 g/t gold and T-1050 which intersected 5 meters at 4.7 g/t gold.

In total 13 new underground drill holes (1,312m) have, between October 21st and December 1st, been drilled to the Pampalo Deeps extension area. The drilling project was temporarily paused on December 1st due to development drifting in the area, it will however be reactivated again prior to year-end.

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Since the last exploration reporting date October 27th, the company has received assay results from 22 underground drill holes. 15 of these drill holes have returned high grade (grade x length > 8 gram meters) intersections. All drill core results received from Pampalo Deep extension exploration project by 21st October are published in Table 1 of the attached complete report as well as on the Company´s website

All intersections are reported as downhole length. Results are partially derived from drill holes drilled prior to October 27th.

Holes with grades below 8 gram meters are located in what is referred to as, from a financial perspective, barren areas in between the currently interpreted gold lodes.

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