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Mining News

Alrosa among top environmental mining company in Russia

The openness rating examines the activities of 33 largest mining companies in Russia.

Alrosa is among the ten most environmentally responsible mining companies in Russia, according to the recently published World Wide Fund for Nature report. According to Rough & Polished, Russia’s WWF report centers on the 2018 rating of openness in the field of environmental responsibility among Russian mining and metallurgical companies.

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The top ten companies include: Kinross Gold, SDS-Coal, Polymetal, AGD Diamonds, Metalloinvest, Severstal, Alrosa, Norilsk Nickel, Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works.

The openness rating, which examines the activities of 33 largest mining companies, has been published since 2015. It is implemented with the support of the United Nations Development Program, the Global Environment Facility and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation.

Source: israelidiamond

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